Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 15- At Sea

Today is Lauren’s birthday so Happy 20th Birthday Lauren! Even though you are here with me and not reading this! We spent a long time last night writing a card for her. It was 10 things you might say to someone on their birthday if they are on a boat. Here are a few:


1.      Hope you have a whale of a time!

2.      Hope your birthday is ship shape!

3.      Anchor down for the party!

4.      You’re a shining star…board!

5.      Have a great time on the M.V. ExpLauren!


There were a bunch of great ones but I can’t remember off the top of my head. We are going to have cake at dinner tonight to celebrate!


I had a “Silent Lunch” today with a couple girls on the ship. We had a meeting at the beginning of the voyage to meet people who either know ASL (American Sign Language) are learning ASL, or want to learn ASL. We decided to have a couple lunches where we only signed instead of talked. I was really nervous going into it because I saw the LLC Lissa and a girl, Nicole, signing furiously fast at a corner table. I didn’t think I would be able to jump in with them because they looked so advanced. I went over anyway and they asked how much sign I knew. Since I only had a year so far I just told them I would watch for a little bit. I eventually joined the conversation and we talked about what we are going to do in Italy and possibly signing a song in the talent show. Some other girls came over and we had a good time getting to know everyone. Some people don’t know that much sign or are on my same level so it is good practice for now. I hope I can get more advanced with my conversational signs because right now I only know things useful for talking to little kids in school. It was a good experience and we have a couple more planned for later in the voyage.


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I learned some new signs today such as travel, major (like school), and email. I also learned a few different ways to sign Italy.


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I ate way too much ice cream cake but it was amazing anyway.

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